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Legends Ranch Island Blind (0926)
Legends Ranch Island Blind (0926)
Legends Ranch Island Blind
365 Week (1436)
365 Week (1436)
365 Week
Eye on the Prize
Eye on the Prize
A rough-legged hawk stands out against a backdrop of pine trees outside the Great Lakes Visitors Center at Ludington State Park. The rehabilitating bird was being held by Joe Rogers of Wildlife Recovery Association for park visitors to see and learn about. Wildlife Recovery cares for injured and orphaned wildlife and sets free those that are ready to re-enter the wild.
Golden Glider
Golden Glider
An immature bald eagle soars directly overhead as I hike a trail through the dunes near the Sable River at Ludington State Park. The bird circles over me, seemingly checking me out, or is it just searching for breakfast? Either way, I am grateful for the close-up view.
Regal Hunter
Regal Hunter
I came upon this scene while hiking along the Coast Guard Trail near Hamlin Lake. Staying as quiet as possible, not to appear threatening to the fearless hawk, I slowly set up my camera and tripod. The hawk accepted my presence and began the grisly process of eating its prey. The fur from the squirrel's beautiful tail fluttered in the wind. As is often nature’s way, the scene was a visual and emotional paradox; so deadly, yet so beautiful. I went away saddened but exhilarated, focusing on the beauty and knowledge that what I had just witnessed was natural and necessary.
Rachel\'s Day 85 of 366 - March 25, 2020
Rachel's Day 85 of 366 - March 25, 2020
Brad was graced with a photo of a hawk yesterday. Today, miles apart from where he made his image, a hawk flew over the heads of the kids and me during a picnic on the farm.
Wednesday (5367)
Wednesday (5367)
From its perch high above one of the outdoor botanical gardens on the Michigan State University campus, a young hawk keeps a sharp eye out for its next meal. It amazes me how well wildlife can coexist with the roughly 40,000 MSU students and thousands of other people on campus daily. F3.5 at 1/1000, ISO 800, 80-200mm lens at 200mm
Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
After making a photograph of this red-tailed hawk from several hundred yards away, I drove to within 50 yards of him, got back out of my truck and made this image. Though red-tailed hawks are not as big as bald eagles they are equally beautiful and majestic, especially while in flight. F4 at 1/1600, ISO 3200, 600mm lens at 600mm
River Flat Hawk
River Flat Hawk
Driving down the big hill on Old US31 I noticed a large red-tailed hawk sitting in a tree over Conrad Road. From several hundred yards away I made this image with my 600mm F4 Nikkor lens. F4 at 1/160, ISO 3200, 600mm lens at 600mm
Perching on a Birch
A Red Shoulder Hawk Perching on a Birch Tree
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